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Episode 124 – Genesis Dorsey: How To Monetize Your Genius

Did you ever tried pursuing something you thought you love but ended up in entrepreneurship? Our podcast guest Genesis Dorsey felt just like that when she needed to step up for their family business, a role she thought was too boring for her before. But after trying her hand on it, she could not stop. She left medicine, a path she was once sure was her calling. Today, she is a successful coach, speaker, consultant and entrepreneur of different businesses.


Genesis met her passion through a family trial, and she believes everyone has their own passion and skill set that you can monetize. Now, she helps other entrepreneurs package their genius into products and services so they can impact other people lives and transform theirs as well. She believes you can hit whatever business goals that you have at any time you wanted to, as long as you don’t give up, and you have the right strategy and focus. And that is what exactly we will learn from today’s episode with Genesis!


Be prepared to really be inspired to take action after you hear the loads of knowledge nuggets Ms. Dorsey shared with us in this episode. You’ll feel refreshed, you’ll feel enough, and you’ll feel all the limits have been taken off your road. Be ready to blaze your paths just like how she did! Be sure to share this with your family and friends too!


Here’s What You Missed


  • Discovering what your passion really is
  • Should you go for passion or profit first?
  • Difference between your purpose and the skill set that you can monetize
  • The importance of hiring
  • What is value proposition and how to do it
  • How to train your mindset



Knowledge Nuggets


[2:38] I learned what I loved through going through something I didn’t want to do. Sometimes the things that we are resisting come back to nip us in the butt. Never tell the world what you are going to do. Cause you never know what may come back around. You really don’t know until your purpose leads you, so that’s why you never reject anything because you never know what may be your big bang.


7:14] You’ve already have a purpose the you’re born. It’s just about figuring out what you’re going to monetize as far as the skill set. So you first have to make sure that you don’t view purpose as some kind of label. You need to validate that you’re important. From there you need to figure out, how am I going to make money from a skill set?


>>[8:10] Don’t define purpose by a title cause that’s really dangerous. And you will feel as if you are not important because you don’t have a “what can I be known by around the world?”  So if you’re going to do something, do it with passion and do it with purpose, but don’t let it be your all in all.


>>[10:29] “Making money is easy, but people over-think on how to make it.” So my first thing is the first skill is to stop over-thinking how to make your money. Second skill is you gotta have self awareness. It’s simplify what you love and then figure out for yourself, based upon self awareness, what’s the best way to do it.


>>[15:53] I was enough. My brain was enough and it just took the limits off of everything.



>>[16:57] If you don’t hire, you will expire. Cause you only have so much human capital. We only have so much from one person.


>>[19:18] If you show up in your business and you get strategic and you focus like I did with my consulting and coaching firm, you can hit whatever goals you desire, as long as you have the plan in place.


>>[20:58] Value proposition. You have to be very clear on what you’re doing and who you’re for. Position yourself as the expert. It’s not like just because it’s your first year of business does not mean that that has been your first year of expertise.


>>[23:17] You have to get over the fear of talking to people. Otherwise your money is going to be just as shy as you are.


>>[26:32] My parents always say: “Our job is to build wealth and then help others build wealth and to help others get to where we’ve gotten. But you can’t do that if you think that somehow you getting somewhere is enough.”


>>[28:04] I don’t think enough people realize that when moments like this are of great crisis, it’s a time where your impact is almost multiplied because people are even more hungry and even more thirsty for change because they’re going through crisis and crisis is  a catapult for change. People want something different because what they’re experiencing right now is catastrophic.


[31:32] If you can change mentality, a lot of other things fall like dominoes.


>>[32:09] “Assumption is the lowest form of knowledge.” Don’t assume anything, go after everything and you’ll see what actually happens. You can’t say something will not work and you have not done it. There’s no data. You got to wait.


>>[35:06] Stop listening to your lying self. Your low self esteem is screaming louder than your actual reality. Your reality can change. You can transform your life. You’ll never learn if you don’t go. Nothing better happens when you don’t move.


>>[37:06] Decisions. That is what life is really built up in. And what we don’t realize is we don’t actually have that many choices in our life.  Don’t allow life to make a decision for you. You need to decide.


Important Reads and Links


Recommended books:

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie


Genesis Dorsey Website:                                          https://www.genesisdorsey.com/

Genesis Dorsey Facebook:                       https://www.facebook.com/genesisdorsey/

Genesis Dorsey Instagram:                       https://www.instagram.com/genesis_dorsey/

Genesis Dorsey LinkedIn:                                         https://www.linkedin.com/in/genesisdorsey/


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Casanova Brooks:

What’s up DreamNation. We are back again. And I have an episode for you all that I am sure will not only inspire you, but hopefully it will help you to be able to find your inner genius. So without further ado, please help me in welcoming my sister, Mrs. Genesis Dorsey. Genesis. Hey, you want to go ahead and say what’s up to DreamNation.

Genesis Dorsey:

Hello, DreamNation. How are you guys doing?

Casanova Brooks:

Good, when it’s a pleasure to have you on here. Now, I always like to make sure we give the proper introduction for every guest and the way that I do that as I make the analogy of us as entrepreneurs, just like superheroes. And the reason being is because we’re constantly putting on a Cape, we’re flying around the world and we’re trying to solve the biggest problems.

So before you became the superhero for helping other people unlock their inner genius, And whatever their passion and their mind is, it goes back to when you were just a young girl and tell us who is Genesis Dorsey.

Genesis Dorsey:

Wow, young girl, extremely curious. I was the one that was always asking the questions. “Why?”

So if you said, this is what this is, I would say “why?”, and if you’d answer that question, I would say why?. So I was always a curious cat. I was, still to this day, extremely bubbly, loved science. Loved anything related to history and art. I was always outside, just spending time around nature.

just always the girl who was just always curious to know, always curious to learn, even if that got me into trouble. So that included getting lost in the woods behind the house being 10 o’clock at night. And you know, my mother thinks that like, you know, some animal gobbled me up, but that was me.

Always curious, always trying to learn things and figure out how the world works.

Casanova Brooks:

I love it. And I would tell you that I was somebody my whole life. It was always curious as well. So don’t feel bad about that. But I feel like for those of us who were curious, it always gave us exposure to different perspectives and it helped us to learn about what we liked, but more importantly, what we didn’t like.

And so I would ask you along your journey, where did you begin to figure out what you loved?

Genesis Dorsey:

Oh, wow. so for me, I learned what I loved. Through going through something I didn’t want to do. I thought I was going to be an osteopathic pediatrician. I had like everything planned, everything.

I knew where I was going to undergrad, where I was going to med school, you know, from there I’m like, okay, I have residents. Who’s going to be this many years. And I thought I wanted medicine. I thought that’s actually why I love. But come to find out. when I came home from college, I was in college for one year and something happened in my family.

So I had to come home and I got thrown into the family business. And I didn’t think I loved it. Matter of fact, when I was in high school, when I was working for my parents’ business, I did not like it whatsoever. I was like, this is so boring, you know? Right.

Casanova Brooks:

What was the family business?

Genesis Dorsey:

private schools for gifted, African American children.

Yeah. So it was education. My mother was a, is a doctor in psychology, father was in finance. and so I would come into the office and I just thought it was boring. I just thought everything was just so boring. And when I came home from college and I walked into that office, it was different because I was now in a position where I had to help the family by stepping into a role of leadership at the school that was.

Something I had never even thought that I could do, but come to find out, I got bit by the business bug. And I found out in that first, when I was 19 coming home, that I love business and I could not stop. I couldn’t stop it. It was like, it was like, I lived, I breathed, I couldn’t stop researching. It was like all the things that, as you mentioned as a child, that curiosity.

It came alive in a way where even science that I thought that was my path couldn’t even compare. So I came along my passion through something, you know, through a trial in our family that, you know, like this is just not the move, but come to find out that was how I found my passion. And I’ve been going ever since.

Casanova Brooks:

I love it. And that’s big because for a lot of people, they may be brushed something off in the beginning and then they don’t give it credit when it comes back to them. Right. And so for you, I feel like that was what I heard is like, you already kind of had that foundation built into you, and I think where that’s relevant for people nowadays is it’s already the thing that you grew up with.

So you knew about it, but you never, it really wasn’t. It was almost like you’re, you’re searching for the forest. When the trees are right in front of your face.

Genesis Dorsey:

That’s it! I mean, for me, you know, I, I really thought that, you know, I was going to do my own thing. Like I wasn’t going to be a part of the family and do my own thing. And, it was just so interesting that, you know, sometimes the things that we are resisting. Come back to nip us in the butt. It can be like, just like what you said, you know, this is what you’re called to do.

And this is why I always tell people, you know, never, never tell the world what you are going to do. Cause you never know what may come back around. I’ll never be an entrepreneur. I’ll never do this. I’ll never do that. And you really don’t know until your purpose leads you, you know, so that’s why you never reject anything because you never know what may be your big bang.

You know, what’s going to be that next big step.

Casanova Brooks:


Genesis Dorsey:


Casanova Brooks:

it. Now you just said something that was a big word and a word that someone, how many people are searching for nowadays, especially, you know, you have the pandemic, you have everything that seems like it’s evolving and people are searching to figure out their purpose.

They’re searching to figure out what is the thing that they can add value in this world to be able to also get paid from it. So that’s something that you’ve been able to help people shine on for the past. well, first let me ask the question.

Is it more important for omebody to be finding their passion right now or trying to solve a problem that can create profit for them?

Genesis Dorsey:

Well, I think it’s both. I think that, most people I have found they rarely have a purpose problem. They have a profit problem. I think a lot of people like when you think about purpose, for instance, I think that we have purpose the day we’re born.

I think people, when they look at purpose first, they always look at purpose of what is it that people will know before? Like, what is it? I can hang it in front of someone like a name tag and say, “Hey, this is me”, right?. And I think that for so many people, they view purpose incorrectly. You know, people are searching for it because they don’t, they don’t feel important without it.

Right. But yet they’ve had purpose their entire lives. It’s just about figuring out what you’re going to monetize as far as the skill set, because again, you’ve already had purpose. You’ve had purpose since the day you’re born. so you first have to make sure that you don’t view purpose as some kind of label.

You need to validate that you’re important. Right. and then from there you need to figure out, okay, how am I going to make money from a skillset? It’s not really, how do you make money from your purpose? Because I believe that purpose is multifaceted. Like, I don’t want anyone to tell me that my purpose is.

You know, one thing like somehow, you know, Genesis, well, your purpose is helping people monetize their Genius. No, that’s not true because I’m a sister, I’m a future wife, you know, I am a advocate I m a-, so I don’t really want people to tell me that my purpose is one thing that’s just so limited, you know, but my skillset right.

That I am good at and now I’m the best at that’s something else. So when it comes to. You know, understanding purpose. I always tell people, don’t define purpose by a title cause that’s, it’s really dangerous. And you will feel as if you are not important because you don’t have a, you don’t have, you know, what can I be known by around the world?

That’s dangerous. That can be really dangerous. so I think it’s better to look at it from a skill, like, you know, rather look at it more of, okay, what kind of company do I want to launch that has a purpose? Got it. Because you know, that’s really how I view it. And from that, you should enjoy it. Right. So we know whatever you’re going to monetize.

Don’t let it turn into something that you feel like,is gonna chain you down. So if you’re going to do something, do it with passion and do it with purpose, but don’t let it be your all in all. If that makes sense.

Casanova Brooks:

It does. And for many of people, that’s a big deal. And I think I even struggle with that. If I’m being honest, right?

What’s that title and feeling like if you don’t have a title, because, cause I feel like some people, not everybody is multifaceted. Some people, they find that one thing that they love in life and they’re happy with that one thing, but then you also have the people out there that they say, you know what I do love, I love being more of a generalist.

Right. I love being able to help people in multiple ways. And I think that’s what also keeps me coming alive because it keeps my iron sharpened because I keep learning new things and being exposed to it. And so I think that for a lot of people, they, struggle with it. And so I’m glad when you said, like don’t limit yourself to that because we all have a purpose and that purpose is, was already put on us the day that we were born.

And for most people, I think it’s a general purpose and it’s to improve the lives of other people around you. Right. But how do you do that? You do that by your skillset.

What’s some of the biggest, but not even, let’s say biggest, but what’s some skillsets that you think that, you know, most people are under utilizing right now that they can really start to monetize this thing because people will say, okay, well, What am I good at?

Well, I don’t really know what I’m good at. How does someone find out what they’re they’re good at? And maybe they’re naturally good at it, but we just don’t ever really think about that one skillset.

Genesis Dorsey:

I think people overthink. I think they think making one thing that my father taught me, he said, he said, making money is easy.

He said, but people overthink on how, how to make it. Right. Like, for instance, he said, you know, think of it like a child that sets up a lemonade stand. Right. We look at lemonade stands, you would say, it’s so cute. It’s so simple. Right? I’ll go outside. I make some lemonade and I go sell it. Right? We’ve become adults though.

We overcomplicate it. We’re like, it needs to have this. And the lemonade needs to have this. It needs to have that. But at the end of the day, go out and sell some lemonade and people don’t really take it that simple. I really feel as if, you know, in these, they have all these things. Functions. I remember when, you know, I was, I started my career, my first business in graphic and web design and, you know, I was overthinking it because I was like, you know, what is it that I’m good at?

And. My father was like, what is it that you do that you like to do? And, you know, you could keep on doing it and you know, so much about it that your knowledge never stops. Right? And for most people, there is something that they love to do that they’re passionate about and they would love to make money from it.

Right. Would they just didn’t count it as something that people would pay for because they never thought about it. You know, they just never pottered it. So my first thing is the first skill. Is to stop overthinking, stop overthinking how to make your money. Right. You figure out if you’re awesome at talking, you know, well then, Hey, okay, maybe I need to try sales.

Hey, maybe I need to, you know, you know, make money from my mouth, you know, through, you know, motivational speaking and teaching a skill. Hey, maybe, you know, if, if I’m a thinker, then maybe I’m a strategist, you know? So I think that is. It’s simplify what you love and then figure out for yourself, you know, based upon self awareness, you know, what’s the best way to do it because I have also found that the second skill is you gotta have self awareness because for instance, you know, if you aren’t patient and you probably shoulndn’t be a coach.

You know, you probably should not be something, they that’s something that, you know, you spend a lot of time with people. Cause let’s say that’s just not your skillset. Right. Or, you know, if you don’t like to travel, you know, even though I think that’s a skill everyone should have, but you know. Maybe, you know, you do something like that a little bit different that fits, you know, what you like, or maybe, you know, you’re someone that says, I don’t really want to paint, but I’m going to teach people about art, you know?

So I think it’s. You number one, don’t overthink, but number two, become self aware. So that once you find what you are passionate about, you don’t turn it into something that you may hate down the road because you neglect it, how you want to do it. If that makes sense. Hopefully that makes sense.

Casanova Brooks:

Oh, it makes a hundred percent sense.

And I think both of those are keys to life. just so what you said, don’t over that’s mindset is the biggest reason that most people don’t succeed in life. It’s not because they’re not capable, but it’s because they think that they’re not capable of it. So they were already count themselves out in the beginning.

Right. Or they think they don’t have enough resources. So they say, Oh, that won’t work for me. For you, what was the aha moment when you were like, look, I am a very good coach. Was there an epiphany or things like that because did you have struggles when you first started out?

Genesis Dorsey:

Oh, yeah. So, Oh, sorry. What were you saying? Did I have struggles?

It’s like, where do I start the list? So, my first one, my first company was graphic and web design and I didn’t start my coaching and consulting firm until 2014. So I was 19 with the family business and then like, A year after I started doing graphic and web, and then I, you know, made it an actual business instead of a hobby.

And then 2014, I launched my actual consulting and coaching firm, where it was more focused on me teaching people how to monetize it.

And so I’ll never forget when I was making really good money. I hit my first six figures. My second year of my graphics. Design company. And I was like, okay, I want to, like, I want more money. I want more of this. I want more of that. And, a woman who I had on as a retainer client for my graphic design business, she was like, listen, we need to bring you in as a strategist right now.

Again, I was so set on doing design, right. I’m a designer. She’s like, you know, we love you’re the designer. She said, but. You have been able to provide for our strategies on top of the design that we didn’t pay you for. And we’ve been seeing these results from you. Basically, you’ve been providing us consulting, but you haven’t called it consulting and she was like, we need to bring you on.

And I got my first, just for like a few hours, five figure contracts. And I was like, Oh, this is it. Like, you know, cause in design it’s like hourly, this or that, you know, it’s like based upon the project, but she was paying me strictly to speak and to tell her what I thought. And when I saw those numbers come in for, I was like just for a few days for just a few hours for those few days.

I said, Oh, huh.

And, you know, at first I was like, I’m not going to name it, my name. And, but when she was, she was like, we need. Yeah, we need Genesis Dorsey. I was because it was like, I didn’t have to hide behind anything. I was enough. My brain was enough and it, it just took the limits off of everything.

I mean, the breaks, just came off

Casanova Brooks:

So that, that just goes to show for somebody out there right now you were operating in what you loved. Right. And you were given value in that. And other opportunities came from that and it was just recognizing that opportunity. And sometimes other people will put it in your face to say, Hey, no, we want you.

To do something else. And then you got to sit back and not be naive enough to think that you are enough. And so I’m so happy that you said those words, those three words, which are so powerful, “I am enough”. Right? Whether it was your name or whether it was just you thinking that that’s great to hear and itself was when you first started.

Was it only you because for a lot of people right now, They say, you know what? I would love to do this, but I don’t necessarily have all of the skills. And I don’t know how to build a team. At what point did you start to build a team or was it only you in the beginning?

Genesis Dorsey:

So my graphic design business is where I first grew my team at.

so one of the things that I learned very fast and I learned this from the family business, is that, you know, if you don’t hire, you will expire. Cause you only have so much human capital. We only have so much from one person. So, what I did was my first web and graphic design business in my first year, it was all me and I was exhausted and tired and I was under charging.

It was just horrible. And, what I did was. I figured out that I was the brain. So what I did was I was the sales calls and did the, you know, kind of like setting up the whole project with the graphic designer to take the projects and make sure that everything went as planned, that blew up revenue.

Because it took me out of running the business and it put me into moving a business forward. Cause you know, you, can’t one thing I tell people is that you have to, at some point become the CEO.

Casanova Brooks:

so what is the primary bulk of your business right now?

Genesis Dorsey:

Whew. which business, the family business, the graphic design business or the consulting and coaching firm?. Which one are you speaking or which one are you speaking towards?

Casanova Brooks:

Well, I guess what’s the whichever. Which one do you focus the most on? And which one drives the most income for you right now?

Genesis Dorsey:

Well, the one that drives the most income is, the coaching and consulting that’s the one that drives the most income.

and that’s the one that gets the most focus, in the sense of we’re doing a lot of things right now, as far as getting, like building up passive income offers. So tons of courses, passively built coaching program and being that I’m the face of that one. That one usually is the one I have to give the most energy.

Four. Right. And because we have a smaller team, on purpose. So that’s the one I’m showing the most up for. And you know, the revenues coming in with that one. And it’s the one I’m focusing a lot more when it comes to ads and you know, all the fun marketing stuff, but it’s been paying off. I mean, it’s been six years and it’s amazing what can happen in a short period of time.

and you don’t have to, you don’t have to pay your dues. To be successful. I’ve learned, I learned a lot of you told me, like when you get this, but you gotta pay your dues to hit certain numbers. And I’m like, I like, I have to be in the game for how well I been in the game for a ton of years. And you won’t see these numbers.

And so you need 20 years. Right? And I’m like, well, I did that in two years. So I learned that, you know, you, if you show up in your business and you get strategic and you focus like I did with my, with my consulting and coaching firm, you can hit whatever goals you desire, as long as you have the plan in place.

Casanova Brooks:

Talk to me for somebody that’s looking. Cause that’s a hot, that’s a hot buzz industry right now. A lot of people are thinking and especially with things out there, like Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins, having that KBB, and things like that, people look at it and they say, look, I would love to be a coaching consultant, but I don’t even know where I would get my first client.

I know exactly what I can maybe talk about, but where do I go to even find my first client? What would you recommend?

Genesis Dorsey:

Ooh. Well, you can find clients everywhere, but I’ll give you where I f nd mine. so before I was running ads. Okay. Cause you can just go straight to ads, build a funnel, run people through and get it that way.

But if you’re talking about like guerilla, like from the ground grassroots. I started with social media. I really did. I started with social media that included LinkedIn, that included Facebook. And, and at the time I really wasn’t using Instagram, but definitely Facebook. And I was very clear. You know, when we talk about value proposition, you have to be very clear on what.

What you’re doing and who you’re for. And, I found that clarity. It helped people to either come straight to me or to help people to point others to me, Because from the gate, I was clear from the gate. I was carrying out during that, you know, I will say this when I started out, I started out doing one thing and across time I pivoted, but at least I was clear on what I, what I wanted to bring people.

And, and I positioned myself as an expert. That’s really big. So, you know, if you want to get your first client, you have to show up as if you are what you say. You know, a lot of people, they show me like you I’m going to get my first client. I want to coach, but that’s, but that’s actually how they, how they found it is how they show up, you know?

and so you have to show up as if you’re expecting clients. You know, even the way you talk, how you talk should be like, You know, I’ve opened up the doors. I’m so excited about clients that I know that I’m never going to have coming through these doors. Most people, when they launch a coaching business, they don’t talk like that.

They’re like, can I just open it up? We’re new. And you know, we’re so excited about this new program that we just launched. We just opened our door. I mean, you sound like, you know, it’s like a baby with the baby, with the baby diapers that just came out the womb and, you don’t have to sound like that. You know, you should sound. Like you’re the expert.

And I always tell people that just because it’s your first year of business does not mean that that has been your first year of expertise. Right. Because you should only be coaching people on what you’re an expert in any way. Right. So it’s not like you pick coaching or consulting because it’s something do you do need to know you’re talking about because people want results.

And if you can’t give results, it’s not, if you know, well, I can talk and I can inspire. Yeah. But can you give results? Like, can you actually transform somebody’s life? So, if you know, you can do that when you show up online, you need to talk as if that, that you are transformational, you know, expert. And what I tell people, as well as getting your first client then, you have to network your behind off.

So if you show up and you try to hide people, go online, they’re like, ah, I’m not sure if I want to go live. I’m not sure if I want to, you know, I want to keep my circle small. I’m like, well, how are you going to make money?

And you have to get over the fear of talking to people, you know? Otherwise your money is going to be just as shy as you are. You know? So I learned that when I got online, Oh my God, you couldn’t tell me that I, that I was not ready. I mean, if you were new, I was hello. Hi, what’s your name? Great to meet you.

What do you do? You know, I was connecting with, with people that I felt were great people to connect to, you know, and what I found was that that’s how clients started to come. I was showing up online. Positioning myself as an expert, I had a clear value proposition. So people knew exactly what I coached on how I can help them.

And it was really good at my marketing. So I was always pumping out. I was taught to talk with you about my offers. There was no gray area of what I offered, how you signed up, where you clicked. It was clear. And that’s really how you begin to get through to your clients is by being clear, being clear in what you offer how they can get it, networking and really not being afraid, you know, rejection?, listen, screw it, keep on going and just keep on going.

Honestly, until you start to see breakthroughs which can happen as soon as you want them to, you just can’t give up.

Casanova Brooks:

I love it. Was there ever a time in these last six years where you’ve been having, you know, so much growth that maybe thought, look, I think I’m done with all this.

Genesis Dorsey:

So when I turned twenty five, I had a panic attack and, I was just like, I’m not doing enough, right? This is what I first said, I’m not doing enough. I mean, I could be doing this. I could be doing that. And then I was like, you know what? Well, maybe I’m doing too much. And I told myself, you know what?, I’m going to shut all this down.

I’m gonna get married. I’m gonna have my babies. I’m going to become a housewife. And I’m just going to enjoy my life. That’s actually what I said. I can’t believe I said that.

but the biggest. Thing that checked me was if I’m going to have kids right now, I’m going to do all this kind of stuff.

What kind of legacy am I going to leave for them? If I quit right now, like if I quit, if I quit at 25, I mean, I need to get some things really set up now I’m be making money, but I mean, if I quit now, I mean, I would really miss out on some real scale. Like some things that could really change the trajectory, even where I am right now.

You know, if I can, if I could achieve all this at 25, imagine what the next 10 years can do. And you know, I don’t think about legacy. I’m thinking about I quit now. I’m going to cut off further impact. That I can give to others, you know? And so my mother, she told me- it was just like such a, like another ‘a-ha’ moment.

She was like, listen, you know, we don’t quit. And she was talking like our family because our family has been through so much. And she’s like, you know, that is not, you think it’s resting, you know, you think it’s relaxing. You think it’s okay, I’ve done this. But she was like, what have you really done? It’s on like listed a few things.

And she said, now, what have you done for others? And I listed a few things and she says, by the time you hit your thirties or forties, she said the list of what you’ve done for others, either outweigh what you’ve done for yourself. She said, you’ve become successful for yourself. Now. She said, but now you have to use your wealth to do the same thing for others.

And my parents have always been like, you know, our job is to build wealth and then help others build wealth and to help others, you know, get to where we’ve gotten. But you can’t do that. If you think that somehow you getting somewhere is enough. And I mean that check me so hard. I mean, it just checked and she reminded me of my dream thing.

I want to do for others. Nonprofits. I want to launch you can’t, you can’t do it. It should be selfish. You’re being selfish. And I mean, it just really checked me in from that point on, I realized that I had a grow up moment, you know, I wasn’t 25 and I think. I really had a, I think I was prideful too. I really thought that somehow, because I was 25 and, you know, making multiple six figures is somehow I knew everything.

And somehow, somehow it was wisdom. You know, but I had a grow up moment and it was, you know, listen, you don’t just do this for yourself. You know, let’s keep on going. So that was, that was that moment. And it it’s, it’s definitely, you know, it was a shaking, shaking growth moment.

Casanova Brooks:

Well, kudos to your mom, obviously for setting the foundation, but also you, because that’s the reason why we have you here.

You could have been retired. What would be like, wait three years now, we supposed to have you on the show. You’re like, nah, sorry. It was too much

Genesis Dorsey:

You know, it’s funny because looking back, you know, on things now, you know, I have more books to write. I have more people to impact. I mean, even with this pandemic, this is a purpose time right now.

Like I don’t think enough people realize that when moments like this are of great crisis, it’s, a time where your impact is almost multiplied because people are even more hungry and even more thirsty for change because they’re going through crisis and crisis is a catapult for change. People want something different because what they’re experiencing right now is catastrophic.

And so, you know, I I’m just like so worried from like, man, like if I would have quit three years ago, it’d be like, what’s happening to my business now? I’m seeing figures, I’m seeing impact. I’m seeing conversations that this pandemic has caused that even as a nation, we haven’t been having, you know what I mean?

So I think it’s just like, You never know what the clock is going to do. So don’t cut off the clock. People think that like, time is like an enemy, but time is not, time can be a blessing because it can do things that you can’t do. You know, it can create opportunities or even, you know, storms that we think may take us out, but it actually repositions us to do even more, you know, so I’m really grateful that I didn’t throw away the clock.

You know, I’m really grateful.

Casanova Brooks:

Are you an avid reader? Do you read a lot? Do you listen to podcasts? YouTube?

Genesis Dorsey:

Oh my gosh. I am definitely a reader. my faith, my favorite, place in the house is the library. I’m an avid reader. I love podcasts. I listen to a lot of YouTube, so yeah, definitely.

Definitely a reader, definitely a lover of anything of knowledge. Right? Cause I mean, that’s me, I’m the curious cat. So I have to keep on reading

Casanova Brooks:

for somebody who’s thinking about starting to blaze. Maybe they’re the. What is that 25 year old Genesis. And they’re about to throw in that towel, but maybe they don’t have that mom and they don’t have that foundation, but they can go get them a book, right.

To start to blaze a path similar to what you’ve done in these last couple of years, what’s that one book that you would recommend

Genesis Dorsey:

Okay. It’s actually here in my library. It is by Dale Carnegie. And it’s actually, it’s actually a collection of works into one, but it’s Dale Carnegie’s Lifetime Plan For Success. And it includes how to win friends and influence people and then How To Stop Worrying And Start Living.

And it’s, it’s like really old school. I’m not even sure how old it is. I may have to, like, I mean, but I’ve read. They over and over and over and over again, it’s like a really thick read, but two books that transformer like how to win friends and influence people, transforming myself game. It transformed me learning how to network with people because I’m really. I’m really an introvert, like truly.

But I’ve learned how to turn it on when I need to, you know, expand my horizon. I have to obtain the things that I want on life and impact people. Okay. I can’t hide in my hermit hole all day, which is what I want to do. So How To Win Friends And Influence People were like the game changer by Dale Carnegie.

And then, the other, the second book, which is in that, which is How To Stop Worrying And Start Living because as somebody who felt as if, okay, What if, what this doesn’t work? What if I don’t succeed? Listen, you have to let that go. And so that, to me, it’s the book that has both of them in there against called Dale Carnegie’s Lifetime Plan For Success.

That to me was because it’s a mentality conversation. If you can take, like what you just said, if you can change mentality, a lot of other things fall like dominoes. It really does.

Casanova Brooks:

Yeah, I love that. And Dale Carnegie’s book, everyone should read, regardless if you feel that you are an extrovert or an introvert, because they allow you to just understand that it’s not always about you.

So this has been a phenomenal conversation. There’s a couple of things that I want to end on and I’m so excited to hear what your responses are. The first one is you’ve given so much wisdom. Is there one quote that you live by in life? And if so, what is that quote?

Genesis Dorsey:

Assumption is the lowest form of knowledge. That’s my number one. That’s what I live by.

Casanova Brooks:


Genesis Dorsey:

you say that one more

Casanova Brooks:

time for people in the back?

Genesis Dorsey:

Assumption is the lowest form of knowledge, because a lot of people assume things in life and there’s no basis for an assumption. and I’ve carried that some people like that’s your quote, but it’s so true because if we think about our business, we assume things.

And then we don’t do it, but the assumption has no basis of knowledge because it is a baseline assumption is like what I think, but it’s like, based upon just solely, what I think is not based upon actually any facts that’s not based on any data, right. Or data, whichever way you say it is based upon what my emotions or my mental or self esteem is telling me, but it’s not factual.

And I’ve learned that many. I feel like it’s myself. I used to be very emotionally driven. And so I would make tons of assumptions based on my emotion. And it was never based on my actual skillset, what I can do for people, how I can transform people’s lives. And it carried everything we were in my life, relationships, I would assume things that didn’t even happen that the person would think they weren’t even thinking.

And it would create circumstances in the relationship. It’s like what? I didn’t even say that, but I didn’t even, we didn’t even do that. Right. So I’ve learned that stop Genesis don’t assume anything go after everything and you’ll see what actually happens. Let’s see what actually happens. Right. So I’ve learned like I’m about to do another venture.

And I first I was, I was a letting assumptions rule me and I, remembered my quote. Assumptions the lowest form of knowledge until you actually know something, go until, until you know that it won’t work, then you can say it won’t work, but you can’t say something will not work and you have not done it. There’s no data.

There’s no hard driven proof. You gotta wait. And that has helped me in life so much. So assumption. It’s the lowest form of knowledge.

Casanova Brooks:

I love it. The next thing is there’s somebody out there right now that is. Super inspired by your journey, by your energy, by your charisma. And they want to blaze a path similar to what you’ve done, but they have that little voice in their head.

And that voice says that they’re not smart enough. They’re not strong enough. Or maybe they just don’t have enough resources. What’s the one thing that you would say to that person to get them to just take action.

Genesis Dorsey:

You have to stop listening to yourself. Stop listening to yourself because you’re lying to yourself and you have to admit that you are a liar. You are lying to yourself and you have to take personal action over the things that your low self esteem is telling you. You’re low self esteem is screaming louder than your actual reality, right?

And so your reality can change. You can transform your life. I mean, I’ve seen it in so many of my clients in my whole life, but you have to stop listening to yourself because you’re lying to yourself. And so you have to look at what is it that you want to do? And you don’t listen to you. So just look at what is it that I want to do?

What is it? And then how is it that I can bring execution to this and don’t listen don’t and now, unless it’s like the wisdom voice that sits on one of your shoulders. Right. But other than that, go out there, just, just go do it. That’s what I always tell people. Just, yeah, listen to yourself. Cause you’re lying into yourself.

So I would say, listen, don’t listen to yourself, just go out and do it and see what happens. And then. You know, you can make a smart evaluation as you go. Because as I always tell people, you you’ll, you’ll never learn. If you don’t go. And people think that somehow if I just sit here and wait, somehow something better will happen if I just sit and weight, but nothing better happens when you don’t move.

So please don’t listen to yourself. Just go, just go.

I think everyone has ego and ego could be actually, I know some people think of a bad thing. I think ego can be a good thing, but it has to be shaped.

I think we’re all, you know, as children, especially, you know, we’re children, you know, we’re just trying to live, enjoying the life that our parents. Or, or whoever grandparents were just, it was just right. And then as you become an adult, you know, it then becomes a defense mechanism to not, Ooh know, that’s one thing because we are child, you know, you don’t have a ton of responsibility when you become an adult many times.

It becomes a defense mechanism to remain in whatever comfortable situation that you currently are in, because you don’t really wanna change. So we’ll say, Oh yeah, I know that. You know, so it’s like, okay, but like, you know, you really do need to save your money because if you don’t save your money, you know, you will probably be out in the street.

Okay. But that’s, yeah, that’s a defense mechanism because you don’t really want to change or something in you. And it’s like what you said, decisions. That is what life is really built up in. And what we don’t realize is we don’t actually have that many choices in our decisions. People think many times they have all these choices and that’s why they sit back and life passes, because they really think that they have all these choices to make with their decision.

But what we don’t realize is that when you don’t choose, you still have made a decision. And it will be, there will be some kind of effect that happens. So if they, you know, if I choose to not stay, if something happens, I cannot say, well, you know, it’s just life happens. No, no, no. You chose not to save. You made a decision.

And that decision now is affecting you in some kind of way. We have to learn that when a decision needs to be made. Don’t allow life to make a decision for you. You need to decide because if not, there will be a byproduct that will happen. Something’s going to happen and it’s not going to be what you wanted to be.

And I would rather face storms that I didn’t ask for than to face storm that I created myself because I chose not to decide that that’s the worst thing is to be struggling. On top of another struggle I see, is this something that’s way

it comes from maturity now you’ve got a mature. and, and that happens that no matter what age you’re at.

Casanova Brooks:

I love it. It’s a great way to finish off a amazing episode for somebody right now that did not take action on all of the wisdom that has been dropped in here. Shame on you, because this has been a phenomenon.

I’ve learned a lot of things and we’re all trying to mature every single day. Right? I don’t think you ever get to the point. Anybody says, Oh, I’m 60. Now. I know it all. No, because the world is always evolving. Technology is going to continue to evolve. And we have people that will come after us, that we have to be able to really show the ropes.

Nobody’s born being an expert in anything we all have to learn. We all have to train whether that’s training on building relationships, whether that’s training on figuring out who you are or whether that’s training on trying to scale a business. So you constantly have to be figuring out how can you mature.

And so I want to be the first one to say, thank you again, Mrs. Genesis Dorsey. This has been an amazing time. For anybody who wants to stay connected with you. We’ll have links in the show notes, but where can they find you at?

Genesis Dorsey:

I think you’re probably right at my name, which is genesisdorsey.com. And you can find all the links there, all sorts of stuff, but yeah.


Casanova Brooks:

Absolutely. Well, we look forward to hearing the feedback off of this and remember DreamNation, just as she said, you have to take action because otherwise, if you don’t, it’ll only make it be a fantasy. And you know that here, DreamNation, we’re all about taking action. So we’ll see you on the next one.





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