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Dreamnation Episode 191 – Daniel Pope: Pursuing Your Passion Thru ClickFunnels

If you want to share your passion with the world, a meaningful message, or a powerful story, you must have a strategy and great platforms which you can use as your stages. To pursue your passion, and at the same time, monetize from it, there are different click funnels you can use.

In a podcast interview hosted by Daniel Pope of Be Known U, our very own Casanova shares how he faced adversities, created value, and built relationships while pursuing his passion thru the use of click funnels. 

Just a little background on our host for this episode, Daniel Pope, is an investor, marketer, and mentor. He teaches people how to become effective “storytellers” thru social media advertising.

Here’s what you missed:

The bigger you dream, the more you achieve

  • “…the bigger that you dream, the more that you can achieve, if you really, you know, dream big.” (02:23)
  • “So my mom and grandma, they always told me that I could be anything that I wanted it to be, but the problem was. I never knew, you know, what I could be because I didn’t have that exposure. ” (02:48)
  • “So for me, I was always like, man, one day, that’s going to be me never knowing how I would actually get there, but I just knew that one day I would get there” (03:17)

Becoming self-reliant:

  • “I always wanted the freedom to do what I wanted when I wanted” (03:57)
  • “I found myself going out and trying to figure out ways that I can make my own money” (04:20)
  • “That’s where I found myself doing little things like that, where, um, that was kind of where I think that I just understood that I could create my own, weigh my own path without having to rely on even my parents to give me the things that I wanted.” (05:04)

Facing big storms

  • “So it was crazy because I know that I would have been right there with them, um, because we did everything together.” (06:22)
  • “…but I quickly found that I was just still having a hard time breathing. And then my mom ended up taking me to the doctor and it comes out that, you know, I have stage four lymphoma cancer, two weeks away from death.” (06:58)

Go through the path to discover what you like

  • ” I never really knew that I had a direction. I was always just trial and error.” (07:38)
  • “…that was going to be my path. So I could allow myself to go full-time in real estate” (10:23)
  • “And so within that next nine months, I did 46 deals, $8 million in volume. I’m in real estate. I got the rookie of the year in Nebraska and that’s where my journey has taken me, you know, from, and, and now I just keep trying to say what’s next. ” (11:00)

Passion or calling?

  • “So I think that a lot of people if you figure out what is your passion, I think the next step is to figure out what does this solve for people? ” (16:03)
  • “…the reason why you should be going after your passion first is because, I believe if you think creatively enough, you can create enough profit out of it.” (16:23)
  • “but that’s one way that again if you’re creative, you can figure out how do you make money out of whatever your passion was” (19:14)

Being a technology geek

  • “And I don’t want to say it in a negative term, but a geek when it comes to technology.” (16:48)
  • “I always want it to be like the Android guy because I like to customize, I like to route my phones, you all of that stuff. Which people again, maybe wouldn’t even think that I do.” (17:34)

Managing your personal branding

  • “Now for me, I focus on the paid and direct response side.” (21:07)
  • “You have to figure out who are the people that are currently in that space.” (22:01)
  • “We’ve heard that saying nothing’s new under the sun. You might find one or two ways to tweak it. But for the most part, it’s not new…I just had to not copy, but you had to model what other people were already doing, but even better off…” (22:31)
  • ” I’m sure that there’s somebody else out there that probably is already in that space…and then you try to build relationships with other people that are in those spaces” (23:30)

The chance to voice our opinions

  • “What social media has done is given everybody. An opportunity to share their greatest gift” (24:06)
  • “And so if you give people the platform to be able to voice their opinions, they’ll love you for it…It becomes a connection. And from there you start to just build your tribe, build your tribe.” (25:32)

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No shortage of negativity

  • “… to make sure that you have some type of positivity that you can give to the world, because it will allow you to stand out and just be different because people love good energy.” (26:21)
  • “…find your who figure out what you want to have them see in you understand who has done it before you model them. And pour out positivity” (26:37)

Find your why, your what

  • ‘but find your why, like find you, what.” (27:05)
  • “That’s the key piece that, what do you want to stand for? And then after that, I think that it’s easy to see.” (27:55)

The beauty of funnels

  • “I love the fact that I can. Have something out there that works for me, 24 hours a day, seven days a week…but the fact that funnels and because of how highly targeted that they are and bring in people through your multiple products and upselling and downselling and adding value at the end of the day, I do love funnels.” (29:14)
  • “…the whole culture of click funnels is so profound and the way they talk about other SAS companies, software as a service. And how they try to model them.” (31:20)

The dissension method

  • “But you want to make sure that the value is relevant and the values can grow it so you can raise the price and therefore that race to the bottom. It never should be” (37:15)
  • “We have an audience. And we have our core calling our core passion. However, we want to go about that route. We have that, we say, this is what I want to do. This is what I have expertise or knowledge. And would you want to learn?” (38:04)
  • “You can use a dissension method to sell from the top down.” (39:03)

How to give direct value

  • “I think that you need a way to be able to continuously connect with these people.” (40:04)
  • “Then I think the second thing that, that I’m doing, if I’m trying to build a brand, as I’m trying to go connect with someone right away, who already has an audience.” (40:51)
  • “I’m going to constantly be looking at what are other people in this space putting out.” (41:33)
  • “And then that will take, you know, one to two to three months for you to be able to really gain some traction. But when you do it, you can quickly scale it and take off in my opinion.” (42:47)

Quotes and Advice from our host and guest:

  • “you have to go through your path to understand not only what you like, but more importantly, what you don’t like.” – Casanova, (09:16)
  • “And so for us as human beings, we get uncomfortable when we’re in uncertain situations. So we would like to stay doing something that has certainty, even though it’s maybe not what we’re meant to be doing or makes us the most amount of money.” – Casanova, (13:34)
  • “And I think of it like the money tree people always say money doesn’t grow on trees. Well, unfortunately, they don’t have a tall enough ladder… That Ladder…is the vehicle that takes you from zero to hero.” – Daniel, (19:42)
  • ” I think that there’s no shortage of positivity because right now, especially with the times that we’re living in, and I actually even said that wrong. There’s no shortage of negativity” – Casanova (25:49)
  • “don’t ride the fence” – Daniel, (28:21)
  • “It all comes back to the story… It all comes down to the story and how you can refine it and recycle it over time.” – Daniel, (43:50)
  • “And so just to understand that you have to bet on yourself, you have to be willing to go all-in on your dreams.” – Casanova, (45:26)

Daniel Pope: Pursuing Your Passion Thru ClickFunnels

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Daniel Pope

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