For someone to become a leader, the person must know how to bounce back from the adversities he had faced early on. This is one of the true measurements of how you can handle challenges later on and how you can lead and help the people around you.
With so many leadership and success stories you’ve heard, don’t you notice any patterns or habits these leaders and successful people do? In this episode, learn the blueprints of a better leader with Linh Podetti.
Linh is the founder of Outsourcing Angel, which helps businesses outsource work to full-time and part-time Virtual Assistants. Her life’s mission now is to help people to do what they love, regardless of where they are in the world.
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Here’s what you missed:
Addressing the problem that the problem is you
- “I was always that type, that kind of question everything.” (03:00)
- “And so you can imagine a young girl that goes through so much struggle at that time and just losing herself lost and trying to find herself.” (03:56)
- “… just take a breather, stop going from one relationship to another stop trying to change your life because you’ve tried to change. It doesn’t work as you’re just using, I guess, stupid strategies” (04:20)
- ” I’m sure you’ve been there where you finally felt like this is the lowest point” (04:42)
- “…maybe I am the problem. Maybe all this pattern of all my disastrous events were not these people. It was me, you know, I was the person.” (05:04)
The power of the dream
- “And then I just took one thing at a time and studied and learned. If they said to do gratitude, I did gratitude. If they’d said to do a vision board, I did a vision board.” (05:35)
- “You know what, give it a shot, give away the money that you have if you don’t have it.” (06:01)
- “And so let’s just say that year taught me that the power of dreams is kind of like, wow, I can actually dream.” (06:58)
- ” I’m already helping people through my current business, but it just makes me go, why not more? Why not dream more? And I think that, I guess that’s the message to everyone.” (07:29)
Forgive to free yourself
- “So I had to forgive them by myself” (08:12)
- “…what I love about personal development is you always feel like there’s more to develop.” (08:22)
- “I can’t wait to prove to you because you know, you never believed in me and I’m going to do this to prove to you. And why are you happy now when. You know that I don’t need you.” (09:03)
- “But it was just through my own development that I was like, I need to forgive them. I need to let them go.” (09:26)
A change of environment helps
- “I’m really excited because they have turned three 60. Now that basically they call me for advice. They believe in me.” (10:30)
- “So they only know the level of the capacity that they’ve been able to experience. So it’s hard for them to tell you to do something that they’ve never done.” (12:13)
- “, I always felt like I was alone in my journey. And yeah. But I think nowadays I’m in a different place than I actually even have more networks.”(13:16)
- “…you need to change your environment and. And finding more people that are go-getters…” (13:25)
- “…but being able to move to another city because of my relationship really did help because it was like a new environment” (14:48)
- “a lot of the times we’re afraid to change our environment because that’s all that we know” (15:33)
When a 9-5 work doesn’t suit you
- “When I was still working and they found out that I started a business, they found my business plan, but actually, you know, the HR people asked me and said, we found that you started a business.” (17:58)
- “And I remember that I remember telling myself, this is my moment. Like this is that, you know, that important decision I need to make, even though I haven’t made it.” (18:14)
- “And so I quit before my business even made any money, but I thought, you know what? Just go all-in” (18:50)
The beauty of outsourcing
- “…sometimes you have to just be ready to go because in going into this new place, you learn new skills that you would never have learned. And then it’s value enough to actually earn your money. ” (19:45)
- “So I was like, Oh, okay. And once again, say yes person and figure out how, and I just said yes. And then I took on that project and got it outsourced at a cheaper rate” (20:57)
- “Cause sometimes you complicate things thinking that you need to come up, you know, come up with an idea, get a logo done, like do all this stuff. Well, you make money. But I realized now in life, it’s really about how do you make money faster and efficient…” (21:12)
- “And that’s why I also have also encouraged to go and solve a problem rather than come up with an idea because you think it’s a good idea.” (21:58)
- “…validate the idea first” (22:16)
How do you price outsourced work?
- ” It was a bit of a guessing game, as long as you’ve put some margining to earn yourself.” (23:17)
- ” Cause if you’re new, you also need to know how to do it and you’re learning. And of course you’re going to come coming in pretty cheap.” (23:32)
- ” So it’s being able to build that confidence and I know how long something takes. To be able to charge later on in the thousands of dollars.” (23:50)
Hire an outsourcing angel
- “And project managing this is actually not very scalable.” (24:10)
- “… instead of me being the project manager going, you need this, okay, this does that check the work and vac. What if I help you find that best, that great person.” (25:19)
- ” And so this is the model of outsourcing angel, where, you know, we’re, we’re managing the, we help you find the VA virtual assistant. We call them virtual assistants, but they do more than just admin work.” (25:54)
- “…of course you’re gonna pay more. And so this model in itself has really evolved and helped me scale it to a seven-figure business now because it’s, I can cater it to as many clients and I don’t need more me.” (26:35)
- “So basically they’re your virtual employees. And so we are just as an agent helping you find that person, but they work directly with you at whatever time that you want them to work” (28:19)
Get quality creative design and receive an exclusive special VIP offer from DesignCrowd, (27:12)
You need to take care of your VAs
- ” Working under us is really because we wanted them to feel loved and feel connected with it,” (28:42)
- “…at the end day, if your VA is not engaged, they’re not going to perform for you either” (29:06)
- “But at the end of the day, a VA is someone that works remotely and yes, they are a freelancer that is assigned to you. But if you don’t take care of them, they can go.” (29:25)
Reaping the benefits of true outsourcing
- “But we’re trying to train the society right now to see outsourcing that it’s not about trying to outsource cheap tasks and get it done quick and cheap.” (29:41)
- “And if we could actually all do a part in creating job opportunities, opportunities for these poorer countries, then we’re actually eradicating poverty because the best way to eradicate poverty is to create employment for people in those countries.” (30:00)
- “Whereas these are people that if you keep them long enough, they will know everything and understand about your business and yourself that they become an integral part of your business.” (30:40)
- “They will know you inside out, but if you just treat them as the, get this task done and get that task done, you’ll never get to reap the benefit of a true outsourcing.” (30:53)
Matching the right VAs with the right clients
- “…we basically guide them how to work with the VA, how to grow a team, how to scale your business.” (32:24)
- “…because you’re going to have the person, but you don’t know how to grow your business with the right tools and systems and operational ideas. You’re not going to be able to grow your business.” (32:43)
- “So it’s almost like outsource HR department. Now, now you’ve got a HR department. And on the other side, VA’s as well, we provide so much value that they don’t want to go anywhere.” (33:34)
- “They’re not the right client, the ones that are thinking short term, the ones that feel like I should cut you” (34:16)
Personal development at an early age
- “… in life. As we know it, it’s too short, no matter where you are to be focused on the wrong types of people.” (34:52)
- “But going through all that, with that pain, I can now help.” (36:54)
- “Those are just to me now is simple lessons in life that should have been taught so early on.” (37:47)
- “I know that they have a very high chance of turning out to be good kids because we practice gratitude.” (37:59)
- ” you can already see that a human mind will always default to something negative” (38:15)
- “just the earlier that you could expose your kids to personal development so that they can continue to develop themselves, then your work is done there.” (38:41)
- “We all have ambitions and dreams. And once you figure out that you want more out of life for you, that, that personal commitment that you make, it’s something that can never be matched to something that could really even never be described” (39:22)
Be part of the things that transform people
- “I love her (Oprah) because she’s so humble. And I guess she’s always been real, but she also inspired me that you can have any dreams right. From your upbringing.” (40:45)
- “And so I thought I really want to be part of that. I want to be part of things that can transform people.” (41:42)
- “…you just got to get yourself out there and just like what Oprah did” (42:36)
- “it’s not about you being the best actor, it’s you being out there to be known and to build a brand for yourself. ” (42:44)
- “She’s in movies that are meaningful and that’s the kind of path that I want to follow.” (43:13)
- ” So why not find someone else that is more closer to your journey and just. Follow their footsteps and see that if they can do it, you can do it.” (46:15)
- “I’ve been in everyone’s shoes before in that sense, because the people who reach out is people who’ve have heard my story and can relate.” (48:43)
Feed your mind and body for a better mindset
- ” It’s kind of a little bit more of a level playing field, right? As long as you, you put in the hard work and stay consistent and believe that this actually. can come through.” (44:02)
- “That’s what people say. I’ll believe it when I see it, whereas it’s actually the other way around, believe it. And then you’ll see it…” (44:24)
- “You also need to feed your mind with good stuff” (45:14)
- ” Something to feed your mind something, to feed your body so that you are in a better mindset to consume, to have that motivation to hustle in life. And then the next step is just to find people that have done it and follow their path.” (45:47)
Quotes and Advice from our host and guest:
- “And so changing that environment it’s risky, but it’s, so it’s always worth it. ” – Casanova, (15:55)
- “And so it’s when you give value to people, people won’t go and dish you.” – Linh, (34:08)
- “…give everyone the benefit of the doubt and for your heart and soul to them. Now if they reciprocate, it’s great.” – Linh, (35:28)
- “Keep doing good. Cause a good will come. God knows, but knows what’s going on. And he’ll keep blessing you.” – Linh, (35:56)
- “…there’s always another area in your life that you could become a better person, a better husband, wife. Mother father friend, business owner leader.” – Casanova, (39:10)
- “…success or dream sounds like one word. But it’s a long journey and every day, it’s just one day at a time” – Linh, (46:47)
- “Don’t worry about tomorrow or about today because tomorrow has its own worries.” – Linh, (46:47)
- “All of a sudden things, just that to shape, change, and shift, and you never know it.” – Linh, (47:09)
Linh Podetti: Characteristics of a Better Leader
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