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DNRE89 – Chadi Bazzi: Five Steps To Master Your Listing Presentations

Here’s a snapshot of a few things we talked about…

  •         Who is the Clark Kent, When It Comes to Chadi Bazzi? [00:02:03]
  •         How Was He able to Leave and Start Coaching? [00:09:53]
  •         The Role Played by His Environment and Being Around Great Thinkers? [00:11:32]
  •         How He Developed His Daily Routine? [00:14:50]
  •         How Can Someone Go Out and Get Listings Easily? [00:18:11]
  •         How to Master Your Listing Presentations [00:22:05]
  •         The Framework for What to Do Before Listing Presentations [00:29:36]
  •         Where Does He See Agents Struggling in The Current Market? [00:33:07]
  •         Best Sites to Find Expired Listings [00:35:17]
  •         One Thing He Wishes He Had Implemented Sooner to Accelerate His Journey? [00:37:24]
  •         His Advice for People Looking to Take Action [00:40:54]

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

In this episode, Casanova and Chadi talk about the importance of your environment, having a routine, mastering your listing presentations and how to deal with the shifting trends in the market.

Chadi grew up in Dearborn, Michigan, where he saw his father work tirelessly to make ends meet. He says that he always had this thing inside of him that said that he going to be a game changer. He got involved in real estate around 1997, while working other part time jobs as well.

He started doing well in real estate, but life wasn’t the way he envisioned it to be. Then, he was exposed to Mike Ferry, and Chadi started to think differently in ways he’d never thought before. His goal was now to make a hundred thousand dollars a year.

He decided to move to Newport Beach, California. He got to work right away and got to the six-figure mark in the first year. There, he was doing one-on-one coaching sessions as well, and being around these masterminds broadened his horizon as well. He started thinking to himself, what would it be like to make a hundred thousand dollars a month?

Chadi got a six figure raise from Mike, but he decided to part ways and start his own real estate business. He took his first listing in the first 24 hours, and secured over a hundred thousand dollars worth of commissions in his first 30 days. From there, he started coaching again, something that had become his passion. Since then, he has been on over 30,000 one-on-one coaching calls.

Chadi adds that the decision to leave a high paying job, to start his own business was scary, but that meant that on the other side was his freedom. He trained his mind to believe that on the other side of his fear is the freedom, but alongside that, he had the right mindset, skills and tools as well.

He adds that being around great thinker, they’re constantly injecting you and changing your DNA and you can’t help yourself but to level up to just try to get to that level. He says that your environment, and what is around you has a significant impact on you, especially the people that you choose to go out there, hang out with.

Being in a mastermind group helped him form a routine, something he did not have previously in his life, and that changed everything for him. He says that we’re a product of our rituals, something that he practices in his daily routine to change his peak and state.

Chadi adds that you would get a lot better results if you are feeling good, as opposed to when you are forcing yourself to do the same. He says that there is no substitution for your work ethic and you doing the work.

Talking about what can help agents improve their real estate game, he says that the single most important thing to master is the listing presentation. Then, you got to identify where the sellers are. Chadi then goes on to share the five steps that will help your listing presentation.

Step number one is, is the introduction. You have to master because your first impression as it is going to dictate the remainder of the listing presentation. While talking to the potential client, you have to use the assumptive language patterns.

Step number two is to reconnect and motivate, again using assumptive language patterns. Step number three would be the pricing part of the presentation. Step number four is to close; nine out of 10-times listing presentation ends right there. Step number five is your marketing plan of action. If you need that, as a backup, share it with them.

Chadi shares the formula and the process that agents should go through before they actually get out of their car to walk through the property, to get them in the right state and to be able to transfer, showcase their confidence, authority and expertise, and get that listing.

He adds that the power of visualization can change your state and energy, and you would walk in feeling completely better, and that’d increase your odds of communicating at a higher level that gets the contract signed. Talking about the different markets, Chadi adds that you can’t control what’s going to happen in the external market. You have to focus on the internal market.

He adds that regardless of what happens in the market, keep on working on you being the best version of yourself, and your craft to make sure that you’re able to service your clients and community at a higher level than everyone else in the marketplace, and as the marketplace does what the marketplace is going to do, it’s not going to impact your income.

Chadi says that the next wave of opportunity is going to be ‘for sale by owners’ and ‘expireds.’ So, you got to get your skill up right now while there’s few of them. He recommends REDX, Vulcan7 and Espresso Agent for finding those listings.

Talking about if he could change one thing that would have gotten him success much sooner, he says, it would be hiring help. He says that one mistake that people make when they begin to hire is that a lot of times, they hire a buyer’s agent before they hire an assistant.

To help people take action, Chadi says that try the following exercise. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and audit yourself, but not audit yourself, looking for all the negative flaws that you possess, because we all have those. Take inventory of all the beauty that already lies inside of you and start looking at that.

He says that what you will discover is that you’re much more beautiful than you think to be. You’re much more creative than you think you are. You are much more powerful than you ever imagined you could be. It’s just that your mind has been clouded looking at things from a different angle and a different lens.

Key Quotes:

  •         “I wanted to become a teacher and change lives for children, et cetera, and then I became a teacher that just makes a difference in a completely different industry…”
  •         “People look at you and say, wow, you’re lucky. I’m not lucky. I worked my ass off…”
  •         “The scarier it is the more likely you have to do it because on the other side of your fear is your freedom…”
  •         “Environment is everything, and we can prove that right now because who you are, who we are people that were multiple people, multiple personalities living in one single body…”
  •         “I always tell every single person, if you want to change you, interrupt your freaking damn environment first…”
  •         “When I interrupted that lifestyle and started being around people that are waking up earlier and reading books and doing these things, and I started to do those things…”
  •         “Lead generation is easy. Lead conversion is the hard part…”
  •         “There’s many different ways to generate them, but the fastest way to generate leads is through expired and for sale by owner and every single marketplace has them…”
  •         “They have to be engaged because when you engage them, at the end of the pricing card of your presentation, they always choose the right price…”
  •         “One of the things that anybody that’s read books, personal development books, and all this stuff we talk about like the power of visualization…”
  •         “Having the right team member on your team is a game changer…”
  •         “If you don’t have an assistant, you are the assistant…”
  •         “I think everything begins with you and you already have everything you possibly need to level up and live the life of your dreams. You just got to see the beauty in your first…”


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