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10 DreamNation Podcast Episodes to Stream for Your Business


Want to get solid advice for your business without having to pay a dime? Then the DreamNation podcast is what you’re looking for!

Hosted by self-made entrepreneur and real estate guru Casanova Brooks, this business podcast is designed to help the ultimate dreamer find his or her path towards success. Each of the episodes features industry experts and the greatest thought leaders of our time and covers everything you need to know so you can build your business from the ground up. And if you haven’t checked out the podcast yet, this is the best time to start streaming its episodes.

Not sure where to start? In this article, we’re looking back at the last 10 episodes of the DreamNation Podcast that we know you’ll love.

Episode # 1: Jon Gordon: How To Feed The Positive


dream nation

In this episode with best-selling author Jon Gordon, we get to talk about the topic of positivity, and how in a world full of stressors, staying positive isn’t really as challenging as you may think it to be. Jon Gordon’s principles on how to feed the positive have already been put to the test by various Fortune 500 companies, sports teams, school districts, hospitals, and the like.

Tune in to the episode and find the answers to the following questions:

● What is your identity?
● Where do negative thoughts come from and how can you fight them?
● How can you win the battle of your mind?
● What is the definition of success for you?
● How do love and fear impact us?
● What does it actually mean to ‘be a coffee bean’?

Watch the episode here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mwKGHan9ZY

Episode # 2: Finnian Kelly: How To Achieve Financial Happiness


Finnian Kelly

If there are two things that a lot of people mistakenly equate, it would be money and happiness. You see, the truth is, you can have all the money in the world and still be unhappy. And the opposite can also be true—you can be poor and yet still be happy. But you’re probably wondering, ‘Can’t I be both financially abundant and happy?’ This is what Finian Kelly talks about in this episode entitled, How to Achieve Financial Happiness.

Make sure to listen well to this episode and look for the answers to the following questions:

● Can you be financially abundant, happy, and fulfilled at the same time?
● How can you connect money with spirituality?
● How can you find your way?
● Where should you look for divine guidance?
● How important is having morning routines?
● What are the top ‘Money Sabotages’ that may have been working inside you?
● What is the difference between paying debts and investing?

Watch the episode here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoA0rWDqqdk

Episode # 3: Ryan Scribner: How to Build a Personal Media Platform in 2020


Ryan Scribner

In this episode with Ryan Scribner, you’ll learn about how to build your personal media platform. Ryan himself started his online business journey back in 2016 when he launched his YouTube channel, where he documented his stock market activities and investments. In just a few years, that channel grew to over half a million subscribers, making Ryan a key influencer in the world of personal finance. So if you want to learn how to dominate your niche with your videos, make sure to tune in to this interview!

Also, look out for the answers to the following questions:

● What is the difference between having and not having money when making choices and decisions?
● What’s the difference between school knowledge and real skills in terms of financial situations?
● What better ways of making money are there that you can be really passionate about?
● Why are continuous? learning, implementation, and improvement vital for success?
● When and how should you take risks?

Watch the episode here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VyFjqiQyCU

Episode # 4: Brant Menswar: How To Take Control Of Your Success


Brant Menswar

Do you feel lost on your journey towards success? Do you sometimes feel that your life is not aligned with your purpose, or that you don’t even deserve the measure of success you have achieved in your life? If you answered with a yes in any of those questions, rest assured that you are not alone. In this episode, Brant Menswar shares an interesting perspective of why you may feel this way and how you can move forward despite this.

Make sure to tune in to the episode to learn the answers to the following questions:

● What’s the difference between speakers and presenters, and which one should you be?
● What are your black sheep values?
● Why should you figure out your core values, and how can you do so?
● What does it mean when you say you’re enough?
● Why should you be happy about the things that matter most to you
● How can you deal with negative thoughts?

Watch the episode here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZEXqeEmlxk

Episode # 5: Stu Massengill: How to Find Your Life’s Direction


Stu Massengill

If you’re not yet convinced that you can be whoever you want to be as long as you put your mind into it, then you have got to take the time to listen to this episode. In this episode, we are graced with the presence of Stuart Massengill who will talk about how you can find your life’s direction, and how everything and anything can be learned if you really want to.

Tune in to this episode and listen as Stu answers the following questions:

● How can you have meaningful relationships?
● What is the power of modeling?
● What is true success?
● Can you learn anything?
● What are the step-by-step tips for taking action?

Watch the episode here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJe57r6G3eE

Episode # 6: Tonya Rapley: How to Align Your Brand and Finances


Tonya Rapley

You know what they say about a lot of Millennials: Ungrateful. Entitled. But in this episode, Tonya Rapley shines the spotlight on Millennials to show their creative side and to talk about how she was able to break the cycle of living from paycheck to paycheck and achieving financial freedom. Listen to this podcast to get the inspiration you need to start changing your life for the better!

Also, make sure to listen to Tonya as she answers the following questions:

● How can you know what you want and align your life with it?
● How can you get away from abusive relationships?
● How can you survive and win in your business’ first year?
● Where can you find your mentor?
● Investment first or debt?
● How can you start a brand and partner with other brands to make money?

Watch the episode here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ4_ZNPVrUw

Episode # 7: Keenya Kelly: How To Use Social Media To Drive Revenue


 Keenya Kelly

We all know that social media is one of the best ways to get yourself in front of your audience. But have you ever wondered how exactly you can position yourself in social media so that your target audience would love seeing you and hearing about what you have to say? In this episode of the DreamNation podcast, Keenya Kelly tells us how you should be using your social media accounts to drive revenue.

Make sure to listen to her answer the following questions too:
● What is the right way of selling?
● How does being honest make you more likable?
● What is the power of TikTok, and how can you go viral on this platform?
● How can you be visible everywhere?
● How can you use Instagram Reels before you get better on TikTok?
● How can you put yourself in a place where you can be mentored?

Watch the episode here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDKGMkrTtdY

Episode # 8: Anthony Trucks: How To Shift Your Path To Success


Anthony Trucks

In this episode, Anthony talks about his realization that success only happens when who you are to your core, your identity, aligns with your life’s vision. That there’s more to just shifting your mindset. In this podcast, he also shares his life’s downsides, his upsides, and his identity shifts, and how he started consulting and winning in the personal development world.

● What really is success and how it’s measured
● What is Identity Shift? And is it vital to success?
● What’s the difference between mindset shift and identity shift
● What is the key to greatness?
● What are the four kinds of levels and structures of people?

Watch the episode here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEBdcYTxFyI

Episode # 9: Dr. Dennis Kimbro: How And Why We Achieve Greatness


Dr. Dennis Kimbro

Looking for a mentor who can help you tap into your fullest potentials and help you achieve great things? Then Dr. Kimbro is the man you should listen to. In this episode, Dr. Kimbro talks about the step by step process that will help you face setbacks and pivot so you can turn things around for yourself. Plus, he talks about how you can work up the courage to take that leap of faith and believe in yourself.

So make sure to listen really well to this episode and listen to Dr. Kimbro answer the following questions:

● How can you live life with fulfillment?
● Is your why big enough?
● How did successful people become successful?
● What does the black community need?
● What do we mean by level five leadership?
● How can you start now?

Watch the episode here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naJY5I_EqBw

Episode # 10: Mike Michalowicz: How To Identify Your Biggest Opportunities


Mike Michalowicz

Ever heard of “entrepreneurial poverty”? Well in this episode, you’re going to hear a lot about this from Mike Michalowicz as he talks about how you can identify your biggest opportunities. So in this episode, Mike talks about how you can get past financial, emotional, and physical challenges that come along with becoming a full-blown entrepreneur. And this guy knows what he is talking about, having been down in the dumps himself when he lost his house, fortune, and even launched failed businesses. But as his story goes, Mike was able to bounce back to the top, and today he already has a couple of multi-million-dollar companies. And that’s on top of him being a keynote speaker and a very successful author.

So if you are interested in making the most of your opportunities, make sure to stream this episode, and take note of the following points:

● How to not need money when starting a business
● What is delegation and how can you apply it to your business?
● What is the ultimate healthy business?
● What is the importance of systems?
● Why is specificity in growth and diversity in learning important?

Watch the episode here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iJQ_tq9KWQ

Are there any more episodes from the DreamNation podcast that you especially found helpful for your business? Let us know in the comments below!




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